Application of protein hydrolysate in pet food


Application of protein hydrolysate in pet food

Peptides are the main product of protein hydrolysis. In recent years, with the in-depth research on peptide nutrition and protein turnover metabolism, it has been found that small peptides can be directly absorbed into the blood circulation through peptide carriers.

Protein hydrolysate is a high-quality protein feed raw material obtained by chemical, enzymatic or microbial treatment of plant or animal protein feed. It is rich in peptides and free amino acids, and plays a very important role in promoting the digestion and absorption of feed nutrients, reducing pet allergies and improving feed palatability.
In addition, protein hydrolysate can produce bioactive peptides with physiological functions such as antioxidant, antibacterial and blood pressure lowering, which is of great significance for the treatment of pet obesity, chronic enteritis and the development of functional pet food.


1. Promote nutrient digestion and absorption

Nutrients such as protein and amino acids are important and indispensable components of pet food. The digestion and absorption of nutrients directly affect the growth and development of pets. Hydrolysis of raw protein is equivalent to pre-digestion, which can greatly improve the digestibility of protein and amino acids by pets and promote the growth of pets.

2. Reduce allergies
Protein in food is one of the main causes of pet allergic reactions. The type and content of protein affect the allergy of pets. Protein hydrolysis will break down large polypeptide chains into smaller polypeptides and amino acids, reduce molecular weight, thereby reducing the antigenicity of the original protein and reducing allergic reactions. The average molecular weight of general protein hydrolysates is distributed between 800 and 1500 Da, and is not allergenic .

3. Improve palatability
The palatability of food is an important factor affecting the amount of food consumed by pets. Studies have found that short peptides and free amino acids produced after protein hydrolysis can improve the palatability of food. Protein hydrolysates are one of the most popular palatability enhancers in commercial cat food because they contain high concentrations of short peptides and free amino acids.

4. Promote mineral absorption
Mineral elements are very important nutrients for the growth and development of pets. Calcium deficiency in pets can cause rickets in puppies, osteomalacia in adult dogs, and osteoporosis in elderly dogs. It can also cause dogs to have symptoms such as loss of appetite, mental depression, and pica.

5. Antioxidant effect
Pets continuously produce free radicals through normal cell activities and various stresses. These free radicals can destroy the pet’s defense system, cause disease, and may aggravate genetically susceptible diseases such as canine hip dysplasia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or arthritis. Therefore, adding antioxidants to the diet can play an important role in pet health by inactivating harmful free radicals . Bioactive protein hydrolysates are a potential source of natural and safer antioxidants.

6. Health care function
Protein hydrolysate is a promising health product. It has a series of potential biological activities, including anti-oxidation, anti-hypertension, immune regulation, etc., and plays an important role in the treatment of pet diseases.

Hainan Huayan Collagen is an excellent collagen peptide supplier, welcome to contact us for more free samples.


Post time: Sep-23-2024

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